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Isobel is able to see clients in the variety of settings including the school or home environment. This gives clients access to therapy in an environment in which they feel most comfortable and in which generalisation of new skills can best occur.
Isobel works with children who are:
Difficult to understand
Mispronouncing words
Experiencing frustration when trying to talk
Experiencing difficulty understanding what is said to them
Having trouble following instructions or requiring instructions to be repeated several times
Using a small vocabulary of words
Using shorter sentences than other children their age
Experiencing difficulty telling you about their day
Stuttering (repeating words or sounds, getting stuck on sounds, or prolonging sounds)
Experiencing difficulty learning to read and spell
Talking with a ‘hoarse’ voice
Experiencing difficulty interacting with others e.g. joining in games, turn taking, sharing
Isobel offers the following services:
Assessment of communication skills
A written report if requested
Individual and or group therapy sessions
School and home visits
Programs specific to your child’s needs
Liaison with teachers, support teachers, psychologists, occupation therapists, ENTs, orthodontists, pediatricians, and other professionals.